The Inca Medicine Wheel Journey

Start living in balance and harmony with the world.  Your journey through the 4 directions from the Q'ero shamanic tradition of Peru will be led by John English, Dr. Ivory Raye, and Joni Lerner in a beautiful location.


4-Day Spiritual Workshop

The Inca Medicine Wheel is life a confirming journey into your most authentic self.  To journey around the wheel means to commit to a series of workshops. We meet intensely for 4 days every 3 months, gaining insights to the ancient wisdom of the Q'ero Inca shamans. 

Ayni: (n, Quechuan)
Sacred reciprocity; the practice of living in harmony with the spirit of the earth.
A commitment to the Warriors path, the path of freedom. 

The Inca Medicine Wheel is a spiritual symbol passed down from the teachings of the Q'ero Shamans of Peru. Engrained in the idea of living in harmony with nature and spirit, known as ayni, it acts as a guide for a balanced life. This wheel represents four cardinal directions, each linked to stages of life and elements of nature. It teaches us a holistic way of living and healing, helping us reconnect with our essential selves and the interconnected web of existence.
South: Healing
We start in the south, shedding past burdens like the Serpent (Sachamama) sheds its skin. We confront old narratives, transforming them from sources of pain into wellsprings of strength and empathy. 

West: Transformation 
The west, home of the Jaguar (Otorongo), guides us as spiritual warriors beyond fear, violence, and death. We unravel ancestral patterns, freeing ourselves to serve humanity's highest good. 

North: Initiation
In the north, the realm of the Hummingbird and Ancient Ones, we delve into ancient teachings, transcending linear time. Through ceremony, we reconnect with our spiritual lineage and true nature. 

East: Co-Creation
The east, governed by the Eagle/Condor, invites us to dream the world into being with Creator. We realize our healing serves as stewardship of creation, experiencing the sacred in every moment.

The Medicine Wheel workshop series is composed of 4, 4-day workshops throughout a 1 year period. Every 3 months, you will learn one direction of the medicine wheel and gain tools for shifting your life and perspective. You'll spend time in an intimate group surrounded in by nature. 

In  each 4- day workshop you will...
  • Receive the energetic rites of passage of the Q’ero of Peru
  • Learn Shamanic ceremonies and techniques to work directly with the Power of Life
  • Develop the shaman’s medicine body to move through life, age and heal differently
  • Learn to use each of the 4 directions of the Medicine Wheel to move through life with grace, peace and power
Benefits of the Medicine Wheel Journey

Feel joy for life and inner peace

Live every day with ease and lightness

Master problems in a completely new way

Take command of your life, live with balance

Your Guides
Teachings of the Inca Medicine Wheel, have been passed down for centuries. 
Workshops are facilitated by John English, Dr. Ivory Raye, and Joni Lerner who are trained in a wide range of approaches and modalities. They not only teach this work…but integrate it’s principles into their own lives. 

John English
John English is an award-winning author, shamanic healer and teacher of ancient wisdom. He has dedicated the last 25 years of his life to coaching, healing and writing to help others live a powerful life on purpose.

Dr. Ivory Raye
Ivory Raye is a Naturopathic Doctor, Educator, and Health Coach specializing in Women's Health and Functional Medicine. She incorporates shamanic healing in her practice because it leads to a deeper level of healing and health.

Joni Lerner, M.Bsc.
Joni Lerner is a podcast host, leadership expert, and certified life coach with a degree in Metaphysical Counseling. Joni’s expertise is to facilitate dynamic change and lasting transformation.